Over 200 Alums Gather at HKSDC's Annual Fall Reception on Capitol Hill

The 2018 HKSDC Fall Reception was once again held in the Gold Room of the Rayburn Building on Capitol Hill this past Tuesday, October 2nd. The Reception is one of the Council’s signature annual events and celebrates another year of successful activities for alumni in the DC area. Council President Ben Goldsmith gave opening remarks, followed by Ross Arnett who, as Congressman Raul Ruiz’s Communications Director, spoke on behalf of Dr. Ruiz who was unable to attend. Amy Davies, in her final appearance at the Reception as HKS’s Senior Director of Alumni Relations, then welcomed the attendees.
The evening was filled with fun, food, and fanfare, as alums reminisced about their HKS experience, caught up with each other, and gathered in front of the HKS banner for photos, while enjoying the mini crab cakes, tenderloin crostini, and other assorted amuse-bouches.
Special thanks go out to Dr. Raul Ruiz for generously hosting the Reception and enabling his fellow alumni to enjoy one another’s company in the Gold Room; to Amy Davies for her tireless support of the HKSDC Council -- we will miss her as she moves on to become HKS’s Assistant Dean for Student Services and Programs -- and to Alexis Masterson (MPP 2017) and Lourdes Tinajero (EE 2011) and the entire team of volunteers for the administrative and logistical work that made this all possible.