The Harvard Kennedy School DC Alumni Council represents over 9,000 graduates of HKS degree and Executive Education programs through the Washington, DC metropolitan area. We hope you’ll explore our website, join our mailing list, participate in our activities, and bring us your ideas for how we can better serve you.
About the Council
The Council is made up of 15 elected and two appointed Councilors who deliver programs, activities, and initiatives that support and serve the HKS alumni community. We maintain and deepen our community’s connection to one another; to HKS and Harvard students, faculty, and staff; and to the world around us through activities that:
Build and strengthen our local alumni community,
Foster professional and career development and continued learning,
Cultivate an exchange between alumni, HKS and the University,
Educate and engage in public policy discussions,
Provide opportunities for collaborative public and community service.
Your 2021-2022 Councilors are pictured to the right. We meet at 6.30pm on the second Monday of every month, and any HKS alumni are welcome to attend. For more information on upcoming meetings, email info@hksdc.org.
We’re Here for You
This is your Council. Have fun. Learn, network, collaborate, contribute. Expand your horizons, pursue your mission, reach for your goals. The Council is here to serve you.
Membership is free to graduates of all HKS degree, non-degree and Executive Education programs. We have something for everyone - professional events, learning opportunities, career advice, public service activities, and social gatherings.
Ask What You Can Do
The Council is an all-volunteer network that depends on the efforts and support of the community. We are always on the lookout for community leaders, dedicated volunteers, and generous donors of all types.
Have an activity idea? We can support you in making it happen. Have a space or service to donate? We can use your support. Have a community issue to tackle? We want to help. Contact the Council at info@hksdc.org for more information.
Connect. Learn. Lead. We’re waiting for you to join us!
Charles Carithers, President
Mark Kim, Vice President
Peter-Anthony Pappas, VP Communications
Alexis Masterson, Treasurer
Lisa Wallenda Picard, Secretary

Lourdes Tinajero