Churchill's Legacy Debated at GWU
On Monday December 4, over 75 attendees gathered at George Washington University's National Churchill Library and Center (NCLC) to hear a lively and informed debate on Churchill and Europe. The event was jointly sponsored and supported by Lincoln College, Oxford and the HKS DC Alumni Council, alongside the DC-based alumni groups from Oxford and Cambridge.
Leading the speaking was Felix Klos, an alum of Lincoln, Oxford and author of a new book entitled Churchill's Last Stand. Mr Klos presented a detailed, intricate pro-Europe argument about Churchill's legacy before handing over to Dr Nile Gardiner, the Director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation. Dr Gardiner, while gracious and praising of Klos' well-researched book, stood opposed to much of Klos' stance, arguing that Churchill may well have turned against Europe as Thatcher did in her famous 1988 Bruges speech.
The debate was chaired by the NCLC's Executive Director, Michael F. Bishop. A book signing closed out the evening, with all the books selling out. In attendance was a descendant of Churchill as well as members of Washington DC's Conservatives Abroad group.
Many thanks go to the National Churchill Library and Center for hosting the event, Jane Mitchell from the Development Office at Lincoln College, Oxford, and Sean Denniston, Chair of Oxford's alumni group in DC. The event was organized by HKS' own Jayme Johnson (MC/MPA 2015), who is also an alum of Lincoln, Oxford.