HKS joins Habitat for Humanity for Build Day
Under overcast skies and a day of intermittent rain, HKS alums joined forces with Habitat for Humanity on Saturday morning for a Build Day at 19 46th Street SE, in Washington, DC.
Habitat is well known for their commitment to providing affordable housing for those in the low and mid-income families in need of affordable housing. In partnership with other non-profit organizations, they are a social services agency providing not only construction, but also affordable mortgages and other financing. This is all possible thanks to the thousands of dedicated volunteers that remain steadfast to the Habitat ethos of giving.
In this same spirit, it was the perfect opportunity for the Council to kick off the first of its public service events of 2017.
Led by the Council’s public service lead, Natalie Colbert, the team arrived at the Ward 7 neighborhood of Marshall Heights where they first received safety instructions as well as the agenda for the day. They then quickly moved out to each of the five homes at the site to support Habitat volunteers to install siding and insulation as well as caulking and cleaning. The day-long schedule was broken up with a lunch break at noon where alums could socialize and discuss Council activities as well as future public service events.
In an age of unbridled self-interest, President John F. Kennedy’s exhortation to Americans to “ask what you can do” may seem an anachronism. But these words remain true to his eponymous institution of government, and by extension, to the Council. Saturday’s Build Day was but one small step.
The HKS volunteers were: Jason Tran, Dan Schneider and his son Nicholas, Corey Cappelloni, Yvonne Thayer, Michele Mullen, Joey Wang and organizer Natalie Colbert. Thank you for your service to this fantastic cause.