Networking Night brings alums back together, prospective students forward

HKS DC held a New Prospects Reception and Networking event on Monday, August 1st at FTI Consulting in Washington, DC. The objective was to provide an opportunity for prospective HKS students to obtain information on admissions and life in Cambridge, and to mix and mingle with alums for a ground-truth perspective from those who have lived the HKS experience.
FTI Managing Director Raul Tapia, himself an alum of both HKS as well as Harvard Law School, opened the program, then introducing HKS Admissions Director Matt Clemons who made a presentation to not only answer the question, “Why Harvard?” but to also provide greater detail and differentiation between each HKS program, prerequisites, and the expected work load, focus and experience. Notable, Clemons sought to dispel the myth that Harvard was “unattainable,” citing the significant increases in financial aid begun under the leadership of former Dean David Ellwood.
A panel discussion then followed with Lisa-Joy Zgorski (MPP 1993) of the National Science Foundation, Eugene Scott (MCMPA 2015) of CNN, and Jennifer Austin (MPAID 2015) of the State Department. Each recounted their own HKS experience, and gave prospective students an opportunity to ask questions more specific to their areas of interest.
After the formal event adjourned, prospective students then met individually with the panelists and other alums associated with their specific HKS program of interest during the social/networking period, while old friends and colleagues caught up on their lives and careers.
The evening was a rousing success, thanks to the continued generosity of our host, FTI Consulting, and the catering services of B.Lin Catering.
Video/photography: Malik Siraj Akbar and Joey Wang