DC Reception for HKS New Admits
New Harvard Kennedy School Admits met Old Admits (alumni) as 130 guests convened at the Atlantic Council in downtown DC to share ideas, experiences and information.
HKS Office of Admissions Director Matt Clemons spoke about the unique and powerful access available to all HKS alumni. Steve Powell, President of the DC Alumni Council, confirmed this access and commented on his friendship with Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, a fellow HKSer.
Others alums who made presentations included HKS International Alumni Board Members Wendy Pangburn (Chair), Chike Aguh, John Haederle and David Rosenberg. John, Atlantic Council EVP and our host, and David are also DC Alumni Councilors, as were speakers Ruma Samdani and Lisa-Joy Zgorski. Lala Qadir and Olga Bielkova, a Ukrainian Parliament member, rounded out the program.
A special guest was Croatian Ambassador Josko Paro, who recently hosted an HKS DC Alumni event at his Embassy.
Now the New Admits must make a big decision…. accept HKS and move to Cambridge!
B.Lin Catering served drinks and hors d’oeuvres, including cocktails “Thunder on the Charles” and “Beast of Cambridge” containing Thunder Beast Ginger Beer brewed by Harvard grad Stephen Norberg.