David Ellwood presents AEI/Brookings Report in Washington
David Ellwood, HKS Professor of Political Economy and former Dean, presented a plan for fighting poverty and promoting economic mobility that he helped draft for AEI (American Enterprise Institute) and The Brookings Institution. Presented to over 200 people at the National Press Club on December 3, 2015 in Washington DC with a live webcast, Professor Ellwood then participated in a panel discussion moderated by David Wessel (Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy) with: Ron Haskins (Brookings Institution) David Brooks (New York Times columnist) Douglas Holtz-Eakin (American Action Forum) Robert Greenstein (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities) Tamar Jacoby (Opportunity America) Joseph Jones (Center for Urban Families) Monique Rizer (Opportunity Nation) The report centered on promoting basic values of opportunity, responsibility and security through the strengthening of families, quality of work and improvement of education. The HKS DC Alumni Council was represented at this event by President Steve Powell and Councilor Yvette Chocolaad (below with David Ellwood).